

HeliRussia-2014. The round-table meeting "Pool System. How to Save on Spare Parts?"

The Aviasystems company participated in the VII-th International Rotorcraft Exhibition HeliRussia-2014. With the support of the Helicopter Industry Association (HIA), the company held, as part of the business program, a round-table meeting "Pool System. How to Save on Spare Parts?".

From 22 through 24 May 2014, Moscow hosted the 7-th International Rotorcraft Exhibition HeliRussia-2014. This year, a total of 212 companies from 20 countries presented their achievements in the entire range of rotorcraft products and services. Exhibitors included lead specialists in the production, design and operation of helicopters and rotorcraft products, airborne and ground equipment. Russia was represented by 165 participants, with 47 exhibitors representing other countries. During the three days the exhibition was attended by more than 10 thousand people, with more than 40 events held as part of the business program. Accreditation was issued to more than 350 representatives of the Russian and foreign mass media.
Exhibition included a number of conferences, round-table meetings and workshops for discussion of burning topics among the vendors and air carriers.
The exhibition participants showed keen interest in the round-table meeting for the Mi-8 operators and vendors "Pool System. How to Save on Spare Parts?", arranged by Aviasystems CJSC with the support of the HIA.

There had been multiple discussions among the participants of helicopter after-sales support market as to the need to introduce essentially new schemes of after-sales support of aircraft and rotorcraft... The question is why the pool schemes, which proved to be effective, have not yet been introduced among the Russian helicopter operators? And what are the Spare Parts Pools? What are the benefits of air companies from participation in such a system? Will the lease of a spare part become an alternative to its procurement, and is there any benefit from this scheme? When will the Russian operators at last receive the service of exchange of a serviceable part for an unserviceable one, being so popular in the west? And, finally, quite a hard question – is it possible to make money on own spare parts which are currently not needed in service?

The purpose of the round-table meeting was to understand this interesting and difficult subject and give a chance to all stakeholders to voice their opinions. Especially bearing in mind the fact that Aviasystems CJSC, being Russia's sole provider of spare parts pool for the Russian-made aircraft and rotorcraft, have successfully been introducing the pool schemes for the Russian aircraft and rotorcraft for 15 years.

The round-table meeting demonstrated the existing experience in introduction of pool schemes both in Russia and abroad. Rotorcraft operators were made aware about the establishment of a new system of logistic support – a Spare Parts Pool for the Mi-8MTV/АМТ and Mi-171/172 helicopters.

The round-table meeting was started with the presentation by Aviasystems CJSC Technical Director S. G. Kudryashov "Spare Parts Pools. Experience in Establishment and Management", which familiarized the attendees with the successful experience of establishment of the Spare Parts Pool in the Russian aircraft market in the recent 15 years.

Head of Helicopter Division of Aviasystems A. V. Kayumov presented paper "Spare Parts from the Pool for the Mi-8MTV/АМТ and Mi-171/172 Helicopters via Operator's Website. 7 Clicks" where he showed capabilities of a new Pool system in interactive mode. In the course of presentation it was made clear how to become a Pool participant and how to rapidly access spare parts available in the Pool.

The participants were then presented a basically new concept of the Spare Parts Pool for the Mi-8MTV/АМТ and Mi-171/172 helicopters as viewed by Chief Engineer of a typical regional air company. Presentation "Chief Engineer Stories" was used by Aviasystems General Director D. G. Khoruzhik to illustrate problem situations faced by Chief Engineer of helicopter company on a daily basis and related solutions through use of the pool schemes.

Paper "Specific Features of Participation in the Pool Schemes of Helicopter Operators" was presented by P. V. Kuznetsov, Chief Engineer of the Flight Test Facility of PANH Helicopters. He rightfully noted in his paper that operators do not negate introduction of the new system and understand economic benefits for operations, provided that the Pool accounts for a purely helicopter-related feature of after-sales support of aircraft/rotocraft operations.
An active part in the round-table meeting was taken by the Helicopter Industry Association experts, independent market experts, the existing operators of the Mi-8MTV/АМТ and Mi-171/172 helicopters (PANH Helicopters, Aviashelf), vendors of aviation equipment, repair organizations, representatives of aircraft industry, State Research Institute of Civil Aviation, and lending institutions.

Further work at the HeliRussia-2014 exhibition demonstrated keen interest of foreign operators of the Mi-8 helicopters in the pool schemes.
By the time Helirussia exhibition was opened, some 6 agreements were made for participation in the Pool for the Mi-8MTV/АМТ and Mi-171/172 helicopters. During the exhibition, partnership agreements were made with Aviashelf air company and with SOYUZAVIA, a major vendor of aviation equipment. A preliminary cooperation agreement was reached with UTair Engineering repair organization, PANH Helicopters air company, VSK company and a number of vendors of aviation equipment.

Aviasystems CJSC is sincerely grateful to the helicopter Industry Association for their assistance in arrangement of the round-table meeting.

Assistant General Director,

O. I. Svezhakova




