Component repair


The way the failed items and component repairs are organized is well determinant for the airline’s costs of maintaining a spare parts warehouse. It is obvious that the faster the failed components are repaired, the smaller spare parts warehouse will be required. It is wonderful when an airline has an adequately equipped aircraft maintenance base, which enables it to repair the faulty components at its own laboratories. But avionics of modern airplanes has a number of unique features, where incoming inspection and repair of digital avionics items requires special test bench equipment, repair documentation and experienced technical personnel.

The necessary test and control equipment, as well as respectively qualified personnel can be found only at the enterprises involved in aircraft manufacturing and aircraft systems development. The number of key enterprises exceeds 80.

Over the last 12 years, we have managed to establish partnerships with major aircraft equipment and onboard avionics manufacturers and developers in order to provide: 

  • сurrent repair and overhaul of items included in Principal Item Lists of 80 certified manufacturing and repair facilities in Russia and Ukraine;
  • repairs of components covered by the manufacturers’ warranty with warranty-compliance activities and participation in investigation of reasons of component failures;
  • item inspection and retrofitting subject to the aviation industry bulletins and notifications;
  • high quality of aircraft components сurrent repair confirmed by manufacturer’s or Operator’s warranty covering at least 500 flight hours or 6 calendar months.

When providing a sound component from the Pool we are obliged to control the faulty component repair period in order to return it to the Pool as soon as possible. This is our main function in a role of a logistics operator

To place an order for components repair go into the interactive site area to link Make order and enter the data for the require repair components to the "Additional Information". If you have questions on registration, use the link Advices for ordering.

Visit the page with the full list of provided services to gain a detailed information.