The Sixth International Conference "Medium-range and Regional Aviation of Russia – 2013
On the 28th of November 2013, The Fourth International Conference "Medium-range and Regional Aviation of Russia - 2013" was held in Moscow in the business center of Swissotel Krasnye Holmy.
The conference was organized with the support of The State Duma of the Russian Federation, Transport Committee, The RF Ministry of Transport, The RF Ministry of Industry and Trade, The RF Ministry of Regional Development.
This is a traditional annual meeting of the Heads of the Civil aviation companies, engaged in the branch management and coordination of airlines and airports carrying out medium- range, regional and local air transportation of Russia.
The objectives of the conference are formulation and discussion of the sectoral tasks that ensure the development of medium- range and regional aviation of Russia for the period 2014 - 2015.
The main topics of the conference were the Forecast of development of regional and medium- range transportation in Russia for the period 2014 - 2015, Tariff support of the Heads of the Russian Federation subjects administrations, a Fleet of medium-range and regional transportations, Airports, Trend of the slowed-down development regional and local airlines, and other subjects.
In the report of State Research Institute of Civil Aviation among positive trends was noted that for the first time in recent years dynamics of growth in domestic airlines exceeded the rate of growth on international routes. Experts believe that it is directly connected with actions of the Russian Federation of the government aimed at the development of the regional aircraft service. The taken measures first of all mention on two directions. The first direction is a subsidizing of part of the cost of the passenger to a carrier, what makes aircraft service more attractive to the public, and allows the carrier to have a financial reserve for the start and "rolling" direction. The second direction is an assistance in purchase regional aircraft for regional carriers through established for these purposes the state leasing company that allows the carrier to form regional park for the routes demanded by the population.
At the conference as participants there were representatives of The Aviasystems Group of Companies: General Director - Khoruzhik Dmitry, General Director Deputy - Dubinina Victoria, The Technical Director of JSC Aviasystems - Kudryashov Sergei.
In the framework of the business program was made the report on a theme: «The Pool of spare parts for helicopters MI-8MTV, MI-8AMT/171». In the report were announced proposals for regional carriers in the part of optimization of expenses for material-technical support of operation of MI family helicopters by introduction of modern schemes procurement system of after-sales support components, and also were demonstrated the opportunities for airlines to participate in this project.
Conference participants noted the saturation and informative program, high representativeness, the relevance of the discussed problems, and also expressed the necessity to present the recommendations of the conference participants in the legislative and Executive authorities.