spare parts and logistic support Consolidated Operator of the TU-204/214, IL-96-300/400, AN-148, Be-200ES-E airplanes, maintenance and repair operator for aircraft medical modules (AMM), as well as consultant in the field of the foreign aircraft operation.

Exchange of component
Exchange transaction serviceable component on the failed (EXCHANGE) is the least costly for the operator both financially and In organizational terms ...

Component supply
The depot components supply is not our core competence, but we always provide the demanded terms and prices in accordance with your requests.

Component repair
Repair arrangements for expensive units and assemblies require availability of relations with manufacturing plants and experienced engineering and technical personnel. Delegation of these functions to the Operator enables an airline company to concentrate on their transportation mission

Component lease
The lease of assemblies and units of an aircraft for a period of failed components repair enables an airline to radically reduce the costs of maintenance of an in-house storage. To do that a company needs access to the Spare Parts Pool
The unique package of services in providing support for aircraft avionics components including prompt repairs, supply, and leasing of aircraft spares and parts and components in the mode of "one window". All operations with spare parts manufactured by Consolidated Operator. All operations with spare parts manufactured through the Consolidated Operator.
It consolidates spare parts pools of the largest Russian airlines and industrial facilities into a system of shared parts usage. Pool exceeds more than 3100 components included in the onboard equipment of aircraft TU-204/214, IL-96-300/400, AN-148, Be-200ES-E. JSC "Aviasystems" is the operator of spare parts pools and the largest owner of spare parts of these aircraft. Time access to spare parts is from 24 to 72 hours.